From a far things hold more mystery, and wonder; making them seem grander. Up close you can see the inner workings, the cracks, and the flaws. A magic trick doesn't hold any illusion once you see the strings attached. A person may seem more idolised from a far - their words may seem to pave the ground you walk on; but once you see them up close, you cannot unsee. You cant undo the flaws, wrongs, and cracks you see in someone. Once you notice it, its all you see. You either lose the attraction and allure, or you learn to work with it.
This isn't to say we don't all have faults, because no one is flawless. We all make mistakes, "to error is human." and either you deal with the bad habits and flaws, or you walk away. It'd never easy to talk away, be it a friend, lover, family member, its not easy to evict someone from your life.
Mystery and wonder are magical, and rare; hard to hold onto - no matter who you are, or how hard you try. Their beautiful while you have them, and their misery to see when you are without. They are what drive us in this unhappy world, a new job, a new relationship, a new friend -mysterious and exhilarating. "we are only truly happy when dreaming of future happiness." we constantly paint a picture in our mind of how this or that will go, and we keep on track hoping it plays out. But it fades so quickly, we almost never realize it was ever really there to begin with. . . .
Philosophy Of A Borderline by Jessi James is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
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