Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Dear Mr. James
When we split up, i would have given life and limb to have things return to how they were. All in good time i got over the low blow you bestowed upon me. i forgave, but did not forget. I didn't forget the good, but i didn't forget the bad either. I held on to a spark of hope that i hadn't made yet another failure, a spark of hope for that happy ending we all seek. After we got back on speaking terms, i began to find myself conflicted. Did i want you back in my life? after all the wreckage you had already caused. I found myself overly tempted, until i saw you again, really saw you. Face to face, i see through you. Suddenly all that pain and past came flooding into view, and i couldn't get away fast enough. There i was believing we had both changed and grown as people, but in fact i was the only one whom changed. Everyone else seemed to remain the same. In that very moment i got the closure i had so sought. We didn't make it because we weren't meant to. It wasn't my destiny to be your wife, as it wasn't your destiny to be my husband. The lust confused with love, the stability clouded by fear of loss, it all led to a dysfunctional marriage. Although its nice to dream that the grass is greener, its not. The land we sew, died faster than our marriage did.
lots of Love, Jessi James
May your tomorrows be brighter than your yesterdays.

Creative Commons License
Philosophy Of A Borderline by Jessi James is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at jamesborderline.blogspot.com


  1. First...(((hugs))). No matter the situation, it's tough when a relationship breaks apart.

    Like you said - you've gotta believe that it just wasn't meant to be. I have a general philosophy that everything happens for a reason. Whatever purpose this relationship was meant to serve in your life, it has done it's thing. Like when one dies, they have accomplished what they were meant to in life.

    But, don't give up the search...some day, your prince will come. And he will treat you like you deserve - like a queen! ;)
