Saturday, January 28, 2012

Why Do Bad Things Happen? There is a reason.

I swear for just a moment, i caught a glimpse of myself the way i see myself inside. All the things i want to be. Reflecting from a mirror looking at me.

Living alone in this big ole brain is lonely. The image i have created of the perfect me, doesn't seem so perfect when she is starring back at me. If everything went right, every wish came true, every goal was met, everything was customized to suit; and yeah, that girl i see is lonely. Trapped in a world with no passion, no drive, no flaws. its become a repetitive motion, based solely upon repetitive motion. Awaking everyday to the very same. No wrongs ever occur, no lessons learned,. The sky is always blue, rain never touched her face, snow melted on her nose, leaves never fell to pile, the grass never grew. No lovers quarrels, drove her to seek the right fit. no sports filled living rooms on Sunday, because no teams lost. There was no news, because there were no emergencies, no death, no crime, nothing ever happened at all. No celebrities, because everyone was a super model, sang beautifully, could act, no one ever had to learn a new trait because no failed at anything. No one ever had to take time to enjoy the perfect, because every moment was perfect. No one had to even strive for love, because it was always with in. If this world sounds perfect to you, then you are truly blind to the highest of joys. You've never had a far enough down, to show you to appreciate the high. You've rushed through every moment, because you had no height to aspire to. Creativity would not be possible with out something to express. In fact if we hadn't had that argument, i wouldn't have been creative enough to write this. Thus proving two things: 1: if nothing bad happened, there would be no good. With out the bad, there is nothing but a blank slate. 2: that my hardships are my gains. Instead of using the negativity people bestow upon me, to harbor hatred; i take it, and i mold it into a creative lesson to bestow in hopes other will not be negative when they face a lesson.

Creative Commons License
Philosophy Of A Borderline by Jessi James is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at


  1. So very well written Jessi! I love how you illustrate the absolute need for pain and suffering in order that we may be far more appreciative of the greatest joys and highs when they do happen into our lives. You have spoken the ultimate truth. I love this Jessi! You can'e ever appreciate just how beautiful someone is or a how poetic and sacred a moment is until you've lived through the darkest of pain that once left you reeling in anguish and emptiness. You can't ever fully appreciate the comforting gravity of companionship and love of someone special until you've felt total and utter abandonment. So well done!

  2. Again, a terrific blog! There's an old saying (or maybe a song), You don't know what you've got til it's gone. And that is SO true. How can one appreciate true beauty, unless one has seen true ugliness? How can one revel in health, if one doesn't understand the horrors of being sick? How can one be fully thankful for what they have, unless the have experienced having nothing?

    Beautifully written, Jessi! Now...go forth and be happy! You've earned it!

  3. Well done my dear,i get so wrapped up reading,i forget whats going on around me,believe me,thats not a bad thing..:)
