Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Caution: ants on pavement

Grasp my heart with in your hands,
sugar on pavement attracts ants.
massage the shallow heart beats of my wounded heart,
sweet gentle tingles as the ants parade across your body.
Slay my heart with in your hands,
magnifying glass in the sun.
Rejoice as the last beat fades from my heart,
Smirk as the ants number dwindle.
Drop my petrified black heart,
gashing bare feet upon the pavement.
Playfully kicking the petrified shards,
mush the remnants where the lifeless ants bodies Layne.
petrified dust blows, of a heart you once nurtured.

-Jessi J

Creative Commons License
Philosophy Of A Borderline by Jessi James is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at jamesborderline.blogspot.com


  1. My favorite line "Playfully kicking the petrified shards" . Wow, that's brutal. I like the analogy of the tormented, tortured heart and how carelessly and without thought it was hurt. And now it remains like hardened stone never to feel again.
    Really great Jess.
